EP ae D ” BrookhavenNational?Lebotatorysands = Biology!and>‘MedicineAUTHistexpérimentiwasvetnavedwithisus essfulTa thesdir i H - g Beg sults. “’Arrangeménts? have:beéntmadé’qacrdeliversthisMristrumer “to!thers: 0 a Worcester Foundation’ for: Experimental=Biology:“-The:Foundatidm will use: =) -- the instrument in the program for. investigating the: effects af on the protection of the adrenal corticle‘hormones. a3 Bi radiation - This cobalt irradiator is designed to handle a moderafe level 5 source up to 250 curies of cobalt: 60, and will fill a definife need in e ble sources of highly penetrating gamma radiation for use infJanimal and a the experimental radiobiology program of the Commission for qheap flexi- a other experiments. 7 a en} + a i :. ae a | ie | A me | i em The pilot unit described above was designed and fabrigated at a . cost of approximately $7,500. It is estimated that the costfof additional models of this type constructed commercially should cost betFeen $4,000 and $5,000. Research in Fractionation of Formed Blood Elements The Harvard University Laboratory has made significank on the AEC-research project on separation of the formed bloofi progress elements. This study is being conducted by Doctors E. J. Cohn and J. if Tullis. It has been found that blood platelets may be quantitatively isblated from blood being processed in the national blood program, and reqbvered in relatively undamaged form for subsequent medical study. . Thea importance of this work lies in the fact that blood platelets are a neaessary factor in controlling the hemorrhagic state which accompanies expoqbre to high dosages of ionizing radiation. In radiation injury of this fnature the platelet producing mechanism of the bone marrow is damaged dnd patients frequently die of miultipie internal hemorrhages. If these atelets prove to be viable they will contribute greatly to the therapy of .) radiation injury. Similar progress has beer made in the isolation of Jthe white blood cell fractions from processed whole blood. The white fells are under investigation to determine if they may be transfused Into patients combatting suffering a deficiency of white blood cells, and thus aid i the overwhelming: infection which frequently accompanies acufe exposure to whole body radiation. Fellowship Program - Health Physics s The letest class of the Fellowship Program conductedJat ORNL included 20 members. Information has been received from the Laboratory fe ze EY that 19 of the group had received offers for employment pribr to. graduation. It is understood that the @O members under this progren at Rochester-Brookhaven have also been solicited for employme t Visit to Sevennah River Site Ls, I i bo A recent visit was made by staff members to the Savdnneh River Site to study the biological and medical problems relevant fto plant 22 ¥