This is recommended with provisos that:
1. The full amount of the numerical values should not be used for
evaluating exposures from a single man-made source, in this
case radioactivity from weapons tests. This is applied so
that the Enewetak people will not be denied benefits of future
nuclear technology because they are receiving exposures from
man-made radiation at the maximum level of acceptable standards.
2. Environmental followup surveys and studies of radioactivity
levels in people are performed such that the full range of
radiation exposures of individual members of the Enewetak

population will be known,

3. Exposures of the Enewetak people are kept to the minimum

practicable level.


Cleanup, and Rehzebilitation Evaluation

It is recommended in this context that:

The FRC Radiaticn Protection Guide (RPG's) for individuals should

be used as the basic standard. The requirement is to assure
that exposures for continuous residence in Enewetak Atoll will
be well within the annual and 30-year criterion. While these
are conservative standards from a health view point, there is
no built-in conservatism to account for uncertainty in prediction of annual exposures to individuals. Because of the
complex circumstances of exposure and the many pathways,

each with its uncertainty, the Task Group recommends use

of 50 percent of the FRC annual standards for evaluation of
the many cleanup and rehabilitation alternatives at Enewetak
Atoll. This is not to be viewed as an attempt to establish new
standards but is considered to be a necessary precaution in
the application of current standards. The following values apply
for evaluation of alternatives:

Whole body ...cecccscccccceseee ee 0-25 Rem/yr

Bone Marrow cesses cccecevesceee 0.25 Rem/yr

BONG. cece ccccenccccvevcccerccsee O75 Rem/yr
Thyroid ... cece ccc ee ee ween cee ee Oe 15 Rem/yr


Select target paragraph3