
Situations with soil levels in the 10 to 400 pCi/g range may

receive corrective action with each area or location evaluated

on a case-by-case basis.

The following guidance is provided for this evaluation:

Islands with soil levels in the above range may be divided

into two categories, those of sufficient size for construction
of permanent houses, and those that are not.
Removal of 239 By contaminated soil is better justified within
the range above for the larger islands such as JANET or
SALLY where permanent housing may someday be located and

for near surface locations on the larger islands.

The smaller islands may be considered of less concern. Their
long-term outlook is uncertain since they are sometimes increasing in size and sometimes erroding away. Smallislands
may be washed over by storm waves and are nota safe site
for permanent housing. From that viewpoint, they arein
the same category as unnamed sandbars along the reef where
other islands mayhave disappeared or be forming.
The amount of effort that properly may be given to soil removal in this range increases as the soil concentration


Once an actionis taken, the objective is to achieve a substantial reduction in plutonium soil concentrations, and
further, to reduce concentrations to the lowest practicable level,
not to reduce them to some prescribed numerical value.

Areas or locations showing less than +0 pCi/g do not require
corrective action because of the presence of plutonium alone.

Recommended Guides

The standards issued by FRC are recommend as the basic guidance
for evaluation of exposures to individuals to Enewetak.


Select target paragraph3