Resuspension-factor approach ........ee24

1,000 pCi/g

Mass-loading approach ....ccccccccccccces

600 pCi/g

A recent report, A Proposed Interim Standard for Plutonium
in Soils LA5483-MS, presents recommendations derived

from estimates of exposure through inhalation considering
the concentration of

©39Pu in the very top surface soil.

The following values were recommended:
400 pCi/g

- For all particle sizes provided no more than

200 pCi/g in < 100/mm size.fraction.

A revised Maximum Permissible Concentration, MPC, of

0.3 pCi/m? for individuals was used in these determinations.

The estimates apply to large area contamination, Levels
several times larger could be permitted for localized deposition.

The Task Group recognizes that the islands of Enewetak Atoll

are small and that the areas of highest 239Pu in soil on these

islands are smaller still.

On the other hand the people live

close to the soil. It is also recognized that experts are not
in agreement as to the critical organ for inhaled plutonium,

whether to use an average dose for this organ, or the model

to be used to predict dose. It is the view of the Task Group
that available biological and environmental information is
not adequate to establish general guidance for cleanup of

plutonium contaminated soil. However, guidance for a
particular set of circumstances or conditions can be developed
ona case-by-case basis using conservative assumptions
and safety factor. The following guidance is recommended

only for use in making decisions concerning plutonium cleanup

operations onislands of Enewetak Atoll:

Any areas or locations where soil concentrations of 239 Dy
are greater than 400 pCi/g should receive corrective action

with contaminated soil removed for disposal.


Select target paragraph3