Ze The Task Group recommends use of 100 percent of the FRC
RPG's to evaluate post-cleanup and rehabilitation and postreturn conditions wherein direct measurement of levels
of radiation and radioactivity in foods and in people are
made. Under such conditions, dose estimates should be
subject to much less uncertainty. The requirement is to

assure that exposures are well within the FRC standards.
See Section A. of this Appendix for the FRC RPG's.

The criteria for evaluating gonadal exposures at Enewetak
Atoll should be 4 rems in 30 years. The requirement is to
assure that long-term exposures will be well within this


The Task Group feels justified in using 80 percent

rather than 50 percent of the FRC standard since there will
be ample time to verify exposure estimates using actual
sampling of the diet and time to follow the changing pattern
of exposures of people.
The recommended guidance for cleanup of 239 Dy in soil
at Enewetak Atoll is:


< 40 pCi/g - corrective action not required.


40 to 400 pCi/g - corrective action may be needed. Action
to be taken should be determined ona
case-by-case basis,


> 400 pCi/g - corrective action required.

In applying the criteria for bone and bone marrow in part l
above, it is assumed thet if annual exposures do not exceed
the applicable criteria in the year of hichest dose, there will
not be a requirement for Iimiting longer term cumulative
exposures. Onthe other hand, implementation of the
“lowest practicable” concept will require considerations of
effectiveness of remeccial measures to rcduce both annual and
longer term exposures to the extent practicable.

Risk Considerations

The Task Group and its technical advisors have reviewed the
available information from ICRP, UNSCiAR, and the National

Academy of Science BEIR Committee that could be used to


Select target paragraph3