
The Trust Territory health-care delivery system is vastly different
from the United States model. Within the Trust Territory, there are

no private practitioners. All health care is provided by the government.
Health needs in the Trust Territory are different in that with the small

population and smaller incomes (when compared to the United States),
the health status is generally Tower than in the United States. It is
more appropriate to look at. the health status in the Trust Territory
jn comparison with other nations and municipalities in the Pacific
area. To this end, data on mortality and morbidity of neighboring
countries are included for comparison along with data from the United

The prioritization of Goals and Recommendations for Health Status were

developed based on the best assessment of severity of the problem
and the best estimate of resources available in the Trust Territory.
In many areas, no standards have been articulated since data 1s sparce,
lacking, or in need of development. Many of the problems associated with

insufficient data sources will be eliminated upon implementation of the


new computer-based data system slated for Spring, 1979.

Select target paragraph3