

Seven sets of data are used to analyze health status:

Crude birth rates (number of births per year
for the total population)


Mortality rates (number of deaths per year for
the total population)


Morbidity rates (number of persons exhibiting disease


Communi cable/Repor table Disease Incidences


Utilization Figures for the Hospital OPD's and


Hospital Discharge Data


Immunization Statistics


conditions per year)

for the Dispensaries

It must be kept in mind, however, the data which will be presented
is not fully reliable.

A modern data management system requires

a far larger population base and a far more advanced technology
than is present in the Trust Territory.

In addition, logistics

and limited personnel training make the collection of accurate

Statistics difficult.

Further, it should not be assured,

reporting errors are randomly distributed.

Data from the

district centers would appear to be the most complete and the

most reliable, with data from the outer istands being the least.
Quality of outer island reporting depends, among other things,

upon the skill levels & motivation of the health service personnel
stationed on the various islands; and consequently varies from
jsland to island.

The data presented provide the best estimate

available of the incidence of the various illnesses but the


reader must keep in mind, the figures are only estimatesThe TTPL Bureau of Health Services is in the process of converting to a
more comprehensive computerized data system.


and the init’

Programming for

1 printout will become available in carly 1979.

the system

Select target paragraph3