
avoids defining health solely in terms of physical health
and the absence of disease.

This definition emphasizes the

mix.of personal and governmental choices required to create
and maintain a system which 1s health and not illness oriented,
j.e. a system which emphasizes prevention of disease.


further serves to remind that health (or the lack of health)
is a product beyond the hospital or dispensary and thereby

beyond the health system currently operating in the United
States (the system upon which that of the Trust Territory is
Unfortunately, data by which to assess health in the comprehensive and position fashion espoused by the WHO is not

currently available in the TIPI.

The development of this

plan must re ly upon negative indicators (i.e. rates of

disease present within the population) of physicial health
(i.e. physical health alone, as opposed to the more comprehensive mental and social health described above)-

The only

social indicators currently available ennumerate the
incidence of suicide and violent crime and describe economic

The only positive indicators show jmmunization

levels and crude birth rates.

As health planning in-the TTPI

matures, 1t will expand its data base to include more com-



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prehensive and positive oriented data.


Select target paragraph3