


Table V-1

presents crude birth, death and infant mortality

rates of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands for the years


The average crude birth rate for the period 1972-77

_ Was 33.6 births per 1,000. population.

This birth rate is high

when compared to the United States birth rate of 14.8.


when compared to Pacific area countries of American Samoa, 38.13
and Guam 29.3; the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands’ birth
rate is acceptable.


The birth rate in Table V-1, also indicates some decline

jn the birth rate.

As the TIPI population becomes more

dependent upon a cash economy, the downward trend in births will

probably continue.

Table V-2

presents births by location for 1976.

It is significant

to note that

33% of all births occur outside the district hospitals.

Of that total, 27.1% 0f the births occur at home.



presents births by age and location of mother.

ME 5005 53;

Select target paragraph3