



instruction in the Gray Area, would require Congressional recognition

of the International Agency, or the negotiationof a bilateral agreement with the nation concerned,

Bilateral agreements would probably

be different with different nations.

This would sharply raise problems

of treating people differently at the same site,

Dr. Johnson said

that whereas it would appear feasible to treat materials on a bilateral
basis it would be very diffieult to treat information in this way.
There was some discussion of the problems which arise in connection
with the Gray Area, the Reactor School, and the President's Plan.

Dr. Libby said that the advice of the GAC would be appreciated.
Next, Dr. Libby referred to personnel security policy as a

serious matter.

He said that the Commission intended to form a com

Security mittee of the Laboratory Directors in January to consider it.


“the neantine, the comments of the GAC would be appreciated.

He went

on to say that the present thinking was (1) to maintain a policy of
peace and quiet for a while, and (2) about the first of the year to

consider any changes rather seriously.
.» Nichols raised the question of the release of information

on fall-out, which, he said, was a serious problem, with international

How such information would affect our relations with allies

was very important.

Dr. Rabi asked whether we are actually guarding

any information -—— how much is already known by our allies?

Dr. Libby

said thet the British have constructeda good and accurate map of a

Historiameet Energy

APOveg18 7


Select target paragraph3