

fall-out ellipse from a hypothetical burst by scaling up data from
the Jangle test.

He also referred to an article in the Bulletin of

Atomic Scientists » in whioh fall-out estimates, too low by a factor
of five to ten were given.

Apparently the information is not com

pletely in the publio domain; whether it is worthwhile to restrict
it is another question,


Other matters cn which the Commission would like advice were the

Fermi prize, and recent intelligence information.

Also, the question

of whether the krypton program should be maintained, in view of the
magnitude of the Kr contribution fran weapon tests, would come up

Mr. Nichols said the main questions about the krypton program

were (1) is it worth continuing, and (2) how important are the
British in the program, and can we in fact exchange the relevant
--=-. —dnformation with them without divulging weapons information,


Mr. Nichols informed the Committee that the Commission was trying


to organize its schedules on a monthly basis.

He had asked the GAC

to cooperate by having its meetings during the first week of the month
when possible.

The third week would be almost equally satisfactory.

The main thing would be to miss the second week.

Dr, Eabi said the

Committee would try to schedule its meetings as suggested but that
this might not always be possible because of the other commitments
of the nine members,

4A few matters pertaining to the reactor program received comment

by Mr. Nichols.

To implement the "Reactor-of-the-Year" concept would

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Select target paragraph3