


the full Committee, and was transmitted to the Commission as part
of the Report of the 42nd Meeting.

Appendix D.

Hence the point-by-

point review is not recorded here.)
Dr. von Neumann.and Dr. Libby joined the meeting during Mr.
Whitman's presentation.
At 10:00 a.m. Mr, Campbell and Mr. Nichols joined the meting;


and Mr. Whitman's report was interrupted for the scheduled session

with the
Commis-— with the Commissioners and General Manager.


Mr. Strauss and Mr.

Murray were not present for this session.


The first subject brought up was the proposed reactor training

school for foreigners.



Dr, Libby said that the school would involve

data which are now classified as Secret, and that there was a pressing


_ question whether the school could operate in the Gray Area, or
SL eee

whetherdeclassification would be necessary.

sion of the concept of the school.
to cover a broad range.

There was some discus-

The nature of the need appears

Some peoples, e.g., Latin America, would

find a course of lectures on the theory of reactor technology very

Such a course might be unclassified.

Technologically more

advanced nations, e.g., the Germans, would be more desirous of actual
experimental work in the field -- experiments with hot slugs, etc.

This type of instruction could not be given on an unclassified basis.
Mr. Nichols observed that the Commission couid run an unclassified school for anyboey, but that a classified school, including


Depariment of Energy
Hisicrian’s Office ARCHIVES



Select target paragraph3