The next topic was the accelerator situation,

excused himself from this discussion.


Dr. Wigner

After some preliminary com-

ments were exchanged, the Chairman called for the views of the
- individual members, in sequence around the table.
Mr. Whitman felt that the Princeton and Cambridge proposals
should not be approved until the Argonne-Midwest matter was straightened out.

He would like to.see the ANL program definitely begun

before decisions were reached on the others.

He worried, however,

that if ANL-university agreement were not reached this recommendation
would simply have delayed developments,
_ Dr. MeMillan said that all of the proposals needed further technical study,

He felt that the Harvard and MURA proposals should be

considered on the same basis and together, since they were the same


, -



~aweweskind of thing.
with Argonne.

In the case of MURA this would involve the relations
However, he did not feel sufficiently well informed to

give a definite opinion on ANL and MURA.

He did not think it right

to try to coerce Princeton into becoming a National Laboratory, by

making that a condition for the epproval of their propesal.


decision on Princeton should be deferred until the Cambridge and
Midwest situations were settled,

Princeton's proposal was the least

forward looking (since it did not enter a new energy range) and hence
might be considered on a different basis.
lished to cover these questions.

A policy should be estab-

Select target paragraph3