



Dr. Beams said he was not well prepared on the subject, but he
believed the need for more of these machines was evident.

He would

“hate to see action delayed too long, but it would be best if MURA and
ANL could agree to have the machine at ANL.

With regard to Princeton,

he agreed with Dr. Rabi that a large machine there should serve a
whole group of universities.
general policy.

He also felt that there was need for a

Dr. Johnson said he could not be completely objective, but he
felt that the National Laboratories should be made really strong

If Argonne does not get a big accelerator which will

attract and stimulate people, it is likely to fail as a National

He would like to ‘see the National Laboratory problem

settled before deciding about individual universities.

wee RA ee

SSSSe EESer agreed exactly with Dr. Johnson,

He felt the ANL

imbroglio would have to be settled in six months or never.
Mr. Murphree said the problem was one of policy as to how far
one goes in placing big machines at individual universities.


policy might be to set up the larger machines on a regional basis,
and the intermediate sizes on a community basis.

The Committee might

recormend that the AEC produce a policy paper for its consideration,
Dr. Fisk agreed with the general position of Dr. Johnson and Dr.

He felt it would be a mistake at this time to have these

items in the budget for single groups, since it would prejudice the

Select target paragraph3