C ("


-28Dr. Wigner expressed a wish that an executive session of, say,


an hour, could be set aside at each meeting to consider agenda items

which the individual members might like to propose, Dr. Rabi suggested
' Members
that any member who wished to propose a topic set it forth in a letter,
to be reproduced and circulated by Mr, Tomei and put on the agenda,
The suggestion met with general favor; and Dr. Wigner's suggostion

was also liked,


The Chairman next enumerated items for the report of the meeting
as follows, the first two being important substantive items.

The report of the Reactor Subcommittee, as a response

to the request of the Commission for an evaluation of
the reactor development program.


The Princeton and Cambridge proposals for high energy

ee ce

(> =RSLaS: accelerators, and the Midwest- situation,

Personnel security policy.


Reactor training school.






Fermi Award.

Mr. Tomei was excused from the remainder of this session.
The report of the Reactor Subcommittee was considered first.
of the


Dr. Wigner's concern about the lack of integration between Pratt &
Whitney and Oak Ridge was further discussed, and it wes agreed that

this should find expression in the report.

(Appendix D, p. 15.)

Select target paragraph3