


At 10:45 a.m, Mr. Hall left, and the meeting continued in
wxecutive executive session,

All members, the Secretary, and Mr. Tomei were

For the benefit of the new members there was a brief discussion



of the way the GAC functions, Dr. Rabi said that the GAC is not a
committee of special technical advisors; he emphasized the word

There continually come to the Committee questions which

involve general policy, military questions, economic and international

At times the GAC has itself raised such questions,

It has

not hesitated to go beyond ‘the strictly technical aspects of the
problems referred to it into their broader implications,
Dr. Fisk, referring to the Aot, expressed general agreement with
this statement,

He said the Committee should take care to distinguish

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+="=="“=F=fetganTEs recommendations as to which category, technical or policy,
they fall into.


Dr. Wigner said the category is often in doubt.
perforce establishes policy by its actions.

The AEC staff

The main useful function

of the GAC, within the framework of the Act, is to bring up new
Mr. Whitman commented that the reactor staff often feels the need

for help in reaching their decisions and obtaining support from the

He felt in a position to give technical advice, but was

personally hesitant to venture opinions on the wisdom of actions
outside the technical domain.

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