only tne risk that a cell will be dused ama that ‘use will be of a glven size, but also, with the HSEF, the probibilLq@ that that dose will cesuic Lu a quantal response. metec’, cather Now thac Thus Ule shantun snould be called a “cell than just a cell tne basic outlines of Nnecessacy more detailed risa pnanton. the anproaaucn tave been trtorcnaciun on eacn elerwnt of laid out, tne the uverill aporoac: can be provided. Organ Dose: In order first to explain anc extend co demonstrate organ and that Conceptual Exposure the the above statements, it is useful relationsulp Setween the absorbed dose to "he c#llularc elements of the system. to the This can be Jone as follows: / z j{[la D= ‘ ~ N / Zy 777} zZ, “lb —/ = fia + ” E + ~ ) Zz, 77> “Ib 5. ‘J the celi, i-e., H hic ana exposed cells, the “cell cose"; vespectively, a ceili TCV receiving an energy ceposto Lye to -. -2?,, is (1) ba target~containing volune the mundec of the staple probabilirey of iuctny, eapusure ©, eGual nutecicalc- tides However, in which 4 ts it is «ell known "fou poysies energy~conveying charged fluence "cross Eq. to which the section", GL), that, ths. £Eteld strength weasured as fluence cate (units of particles cem72 cnt), which express from Eq. or particles; tccal exposure constant of the rate of exposure (of cells) to tr is the exposure Thus, =a 24,7 = Clie; {is numerically equal; and proportionality. (2), D = 5007459 [F = ‘., and Ne are and ry i N fn whtch 2 £3 a single energy deposicticn in the (TCY) of “ Kf “os Kk" is the the c—- ts subscituting Chie tn