a Next, the phantom must recurd separateiy for every uisieete mbe phantom cell, the magnitude of must provide the tne distribution of cell TCV's, obtainable the energy deposited. or the cell the magnitudes of doses. for any give. exposure This Chest . That is to savy, Ae the enecsy uepostts in distribution of Co 4 Singie ato tvte of cell doses must be rcadiatton, ot any mixture. THe electronic ohantom can be sade eet] doses neatly in order of analogue of what is Co arringe tne stochastic cell increasing magnitude. Thus we have the exacce commonly used in pharc.acolopy and series of cell doses, wotch io principle pernits us toxtcolosy--a graded cto develop a function foc the (fractional) number sf hit cells cthac will cespond quanctally, act each value of cell dose. This {ts the cell analogue of the “organ dose-organ response” curve, probability thac, we 1s equal to the conditional if hic, ana with a dose of a given magnitude, a cell wilt tespond quantally. points. This fraction Such curves are now available, thus have three probabilities for several cellular to Se evaluated, 1) 2na tne probability that an exposed cell will be hit, 2) that the ure ceil will se of a given cange with a given gaize, these probabilities fraction of and 3} will respond quantally. trac pernit us those exposed to determine, ‘ re eens d wee GAINS yy * SNE To. LUD yo seeds radiation of a single quality. neither the mean nor the area under are hit, series that of effectiveness the Note shown is Cee the the function of CApvsGTes, 20 2 are 44. Lor 4a the exposure tacreases, the distributlons chanzes--it f.e., that In Fiz. cell doses fron stocnastic that as ts only the number of exposed cells that these distributions represent a graced S-shaped function), a relationship quantal response as a distribution maximum of increases. Also ak tote the distributions, doses. the above stitements. three distributions of ~~ e for a given exposure, that will respond quantally. An example will help to clarify shown schematically I: is curve, that provides the celi dose. ts multiplied by the HSEF, an HSEF (Chit-size [2 the probability of a the cell dose the result will te the correspondingly-mazned smaller distribution, under area che single ana ceteruinaias enc undeec the smalier distribution provides che larger one. point in quantitative epidemlology or risk assessment, of those expused during a given exposure, 1.@2., The the fractéon that will respond quantally. phantom”, is such more tnan the analogue of an organ phantum. than simpaly determine a dose catner to a single organ o¢ organism, provides not 5 SOC Tu S4 It, a As will be expanded on later, what has b‘een termed avove a “cell