The two views were eventually cesoived, meeting of the ICRU in 1928 (1). a-radiation was defineu specifications, physical sense, At this ;atherfag the “quantity” at hoentgen, eyual, with udcitizsnal jJelalles i.e., a8 a easure of the enerzy tluence. to ambiguity among dart to fact that ioWwever, the woris “aruunt"”, “quantity”, anc “dose”, ina air ang tissue Save riese te the immeaiately eda glecist al to the physictau's “amount”, f.e., cose. the Roentgen was widely describea as Thus almost tne unit of x-ray "rose" The ICRU in time endorsed this preenptive move, as evidences by adoption of then the the “rep” and instrumentatlLon and system fas conttaued radiations. necessitating effectiveness (RBE), were The basic orinctole the use of stochastic agent transfer, evaluation in an in tutors to estimate the provaollity of 3 serious cr tne severity of little or no help the radlucthecapy :f the above problem can de stated 45 fctilows = ok VTLS this, an estimate of the dose is of sitn the concept of relative diols introduced into For a physician (or anyone) evaluatian of the unit of absoried dese. to wore well for HL, even when hish-LiT involved in labeled consequence of rac as tne later the wse of phantoms fur teasurssent in — this i the pnysicist’s “quantity” of radiation vas cyuai-, or proportional improved aftr. in ie to te interccreted “cuantity” was tne word part density, the seccce to one electrostatic unit of chau le {2 one ho ie of It seems eviagent that the as but only arter the tA TALI ar preterreu ‘s - - : That fs quantity, to say, measured a7 - the next fall-cac. position. this cegard. obfectrortlented PIL - 7 Exposzte ts needezt for in oc f2r ee promesls the inditvtdual of concera. Low-Level Radtation Exposure It was observed quite early However, only much later was that cancer could cesuit from ELi. it widely appreciated that the “single cell-originating” effects, cancer and heritable effeccs, muss also be t3<ec. seriously, even at very {.e., following LLE. involved fell intg lor doses, oc lacger doses at very iow dese rates, [It was also apparent the category of Fh, particularly its subciscizlines of epidemiology and accident statistics. adjust 500145! that the basic phenomena Huwever, no effort was mace the basic quantities and units as demanded by Chis ditferent ts