tacitly assumec, eancec inttiation should also ve uracticg was adopted. regarded as a “syst em” serfous encountered. reason for the acsucbec toc whier a to wnich an conceptcal ‘natle a aumber of ents communication, the “orp3n Gdose” and tollowin, which iicsricultie ve detanied luter tnittal unjective ts stroly t incicate tne this attempt to use to method the evaluation of of application followed by a more cetarled anu ts ves the ois for LLE tnet rejuires Hh cisk from LLE, ana how the evaluation of risx frou LLE, the ts these problems will be A neW approach to to could te applfes. otecatiocal the ditficulties associated with can be applied cose iutiaes nopulatioa conia concepts and quantities appropriate for HLE, conceots. the celevant parameter fs Avsutbed cule Alsu continue: using “simple cell systems” However, that the expression si u Ce tumor is observed in an organ or ofgzuas, since a Le appacently was we discipline. ts tnen presented, geserlbed. Vuis technical ceserigttion of is then tne underlytis concepts ang methodoloztes. The Problem and tne hew sAsproach A tact central will ae that of is, tnis tne nees for a res approacn to LLE rise evaluatiot point sinp.l- be stated, arg then the a0surSed cose . that otgan radiatlon interest curves fa terms of is Shown the Fig. 1, the cadiatisa suurce, Thus, in the the absorbed typical dose surzan Shown on population of conceptually to whic. wished’ to Know the dose to tu of 50g14s2 the ceils. tn ise popucetion reszronse adscissa the exposure shoul: in Thus the basic problem appears that encountered by wt ce tercs the organ. to “2 the early physicians whey ‘he raclobiologist concerned witn tne study of single cell-initiated eftects must Se of eneryy deposited js: r= the cell population of an organ or other cell interest {s exposed. Identical the Taart and ffele of dose-celi is e|expessre the physical quantity fluence. regarded conceptually alsznough not numerically, as particle fluence, tne Guaitity cell pepulation st an organ or cther cell exposed. in Thir the annder of pritary and secondary carticles which is a parameter of ta whicn later deronstcrated. ty ani orszan is comceptually expressible *t {s conceotually unlt area, of to interested tn the cells--not truat whic tay Se in the occunt tre environ e1f