- t A Differenc Approach Vv. OP. to Evaluating nhealtn Etfects trom Kaciatien Expesute = Bona! , C. 2 A. -~ Sondhaus”, ana L. £. =: 3 Feinetcesen’ INTRODUCTION spans eavironmental agent of toe concern, the control of cancer, entice range from consticucits am to being an ¢ ectlve These cNaracteristics plaice of public health {including epidemlology (Ph); of pharmacology, toxicology, and medicine divide low-level exposure .aterese forter t2 the latter in tne (14d). (LLE) to radtation, ubicgsrtous therar2 the it w that Lf ave tre only apent or be et e~ fi setences the few, ct health ts one of rh Radiation a the teal discirline The sane craracterisiics froa tlgn—-level exsosure (HLE). The basic radiation quantitivs anu unics the ICRU (f ) were developed during therapeutic uses, defited iF in snien essentialls the sole and laraely on the acute effects cn an organ orc a tumor: clearly be comfortably accommodates by during this period. proportional tumors these effects of HLE coulst, amc still can chose 2cantities ana units acoot “ to adsorcsed ause, on whic. cepenas tne fracticr of . State, iret the above happy State of affairs vas not achfeved «itnrot considerable discussion ana disagreements about mow Cie “amoent™ quantity of radiation was energy the fluence to be defined. In the physicisi’s eye, total energy flow froa a source, per unit sr2a, times the exposure physician's standpoiact, regarded as time. On the other hand, from or tris i.e., the the the amount of radiation in the ambient fiela as irrelevant: what mattered sas considered actually absorbed in tissue. In fact, to be that wnict vas the “skin erythema cose” unit :é radiation “amount” had already been invented and used, physical measurement beyond the amount of whics by-passes ane time spent in a retlution ‘:els celebrated with such a “btologtcal dosineter™. 5001850 z to essentially permanent or lethal uysluncction;. However, quantity was a These consisted tainly of vegan or tumsr exrosure. responding quantally (i.e., an alleor-notning cnange of funetional, nus, ine "fe description and quantification of in the “sc rceain. earir o focus was on diagnostic anda that era ia current use anc a ’