20-minute background counts were taken during a 24-hour period.
From November 24 to the end of December, 127 background counts

were made with counter No. 185, and the mean value was 50.25
c/m with a standard deviation of 2.63; for the other counter,
No. 184, 135 background counts were made during the same perlod with & mean value of 53.51 c/m and a standard deviation of

These background values are less than those recorded in

the 1949 report because the counting chambers are now shielded
with two inches of lead.

At the time of counting, the post test samples

were decaying at an appreciable rate.

Therefore these samples

were corrected for decay and the date to which they were corrected arbitrarily chosen as December 1, one month after the
Mike test and also near the mid-point of the counting period
for these samples.

Although the activity of the samples is

corrected to that of December 1,

the distribution of activity

is that of the date of collection, November 2 to 10.

In the

period immediately following the shot the activity in the or-

ganisms would be expected to vary greatly within short periods,
due to changes in geographical distribution of the radioactive
materials and to length of time of exposure of the organisms.
The curve from which the correction factors were determined was the deeay curve for & sand sample that had been
dredged from Rojoa and Aaraanbiru on November 7 at a depth of
30 feet. The principal reason for selecting this curve was that,

by inspection, the “composite” of 91 decay curves from various
types of organisms and tissues closely resembled the sand

- 13 -

Select target paragraph3