gas flow counting chamber.

Hence the correction factor was

approximately 2.0.

Backscatter was previously determined for

p32 in our Nucleometers as being 30 percent (see p. 24 of


The same correction factor, 35 = 0.77, was

used again this year.


The loss of counts due to coincidence was

determined empirically.

Small amounts of p32 were dried on

tinfoil and the pieces of the P32 tinfoil, for which the
counting rates had been determined, were placed one at 4

time side by side on the counting plate.

After each piece

of the p32 tinfoil had been placed on the plate a count was


The expected count, which was the sum of the individual

counts, was divided by the observed count to determine the
correction factor.

For observed counts less than 80,000 e/m,

no correction was made for coincidence; for counts of 80,000

to 160,000 per minute, the correction factor was 1.01; for
counts of 382,000 to 392,000 per minute, the correction
factor was 1.07.

Correction factors were also determined

for intermediate values.

For small corrections the counting

rate as determined theoretically from the formula N * tout

held true (N = true counting rate, n = observed counting
rate, and t = recovery time of register = 5 microseconds).

The background values were determined by

interpolating between background counts at the point (i.e.,
time) when the sample count was made.

Usually about five

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Select target paragraph3