Health Physics

which showed strong correlation (r = 0.87) between

the sweat loss and the difference of water consumed

August 2010, Volume 99, Number 2

176 wg, 0.32 for the fractional thyroid uptake, 76 wg

d-' of iodine secreted by the gland, and 105 wg d| of

and urine volume (Dore et al. 1975).

urinary excretion of stable iodine. Set 2b (Table Al)

using available computer codes.** Solving the biokinetic

excretion of stable iodine. The '*'I excretion fractions

The iodine biokinetic model andits transfer rates,
presented in Fig. Al, were applied to derive the daily
urinary excretion fractions for iodine for the six data sets
model as a function of time, t, gave the urinary excretion

on each day following intake. The ratio of the calculated
daily excretion on each day to the acute intake, specified
as input, produced the values of EF on each day
following intake (Fig. A2). The estimates of EF(),Le.,
the '*'T excretion fractions, were found to be only
moderately affected by the differences in the six sets of
physiological parameters. In the three sets of parameters
where the urinary excretion of stable iodine was con-

strained to be 105 wg d' (sets la, 1b, Ic), the ‘I

excretion fraction on day 16 varied at most by 37%. In

contrast, among the three sets of parameters which

constrained the fractional thyroid uptake to be 42%
(sets 2a, 2b, 2c), the '*'I excretion fraction on day 16
varied by up to a factor of two.
In this work, two of the six sets of physiological
parameters with a daily water intake of 2 L d ' (sets
assigned as |b and 2b on Table A1) were considered as
preferred. Set 1b assumes a daily intake of iodine of
88 AIDE (Bertelli et al. 2008) and STELLA (ISEE Sytems, Inc.)

assumes a daily intake of iodine of 121 pg, 0.42 for
the fractional thyroid uptake, 76 wg d' of iodine
secreted by the gland, and 51 wg d' of urinary
on day 16 from those two scenarios were similar,
differing by less than 35%. Hence, we used an average
of the excretion fractions from sets 1b and 2b forall
intake and dose estimates. The values obtained for the
'S'T excretion fraction are presented in Table Al; they
are 1.76 X 10 4, 1.65 X 10 *, and 1.43 x 10 4, for
days 16, 17, and 19 after intake, respectively.

For Air Force and Army military personnel (weather

observers) stationed on Rongerik, we also assumed a

daily water intake of 2.0 L d_' with body waterlosses of
1.1 Ld! via urine as reported by Harris (1954) and 0.9
Ld! via perspiration. The parameters of the iodine
model were derived assuming a daily intake of iodine of
194 weg, 0.30 for the fractional thyroid uptake, 76 wg d'
of iodine secreted by the gland, 146 yg d| of urinary
excretion of stable iodine, and 33 wg d' eliminated by

perspiration. Using these parameter values, the '°'l ex-

cretion fraction for the weather observers is found to be

1.85 X 10* for day 19 after intake.

Select target paragraph3