
of radionuclides from the environment which is more rapid than the physical
decay of the radionuclides would of course reduce the predicted concentra-

tions in the food products and as a resuit would reduce the predicted
doses via the terrestrial pathway.
The dietary intake values listed in Table 2 and the concentrations

_Tisted in Table 18 were used to generate the pCi per day intake of each
of the radionuclides.

The results in Table 19 are for a diet entirely

from Eneu Island while those in Table 20 are for a diet originating

solely from Bikini Island.

Table 21 lists the pCi per day intake for a

diet originating from Bikini Island but excluding Pandanus fruit and
breadfruit. The contribution from Pandanus fruit and breadfruit
originating on Eneu Island were included in the diet for 1980.


22 lists the pCi per day intake for a diet which only allows the use of
coconut from Bikini Island.
from Eneu.

In other words, the rest of the diet is

The data are used with the various living patterns as follows:

Living Pattern

Intake Data

Case |

Table 19

Case 2

Table 22

Case 3

Table 2]

Case 4


Table 22

Case 5

Table 21

Case 6

Table 20

The data for Bikini Island were broken down by area as shown in
Figure 2.

However, in view of the fact that subsistence agriculture

could come from any one of the four areas and because tne results do
not differ greatly by area, the average vaiue for the four areas on

Select target paragraph3