

radionuclide concentrations expected in the terrestrial food products.
The results are listed in Table 18.
During the June survey a fully grown pig and two chickens which had
been born and raised on Bikini Island were obtained for analysis.


pig and chickens roamed freely around the island so the radionuclide
concentrations measured in these animals reflect the integrated diet
of the animals.

Analysis of these samples serve to determine ingestion

via the meat pathway.

The estimates for the radionuclide concentration

expected in meat on Eneu were determined by multiplying the observed
concentrations in the meat samples from Bikini Island by the ratio of
the average Eneu-Bikini soil concentrations.

Since most of the animal

diet consists of vegetation and a certain amount of soil, this ratioing
procedure should predict reasonable concentrations for domestic animals

raised on Eneu.
Although coconut crabs were not collected during the June 1975 survey
they have been collected during previous visits to the islands.

As a

result, the values listed for coconut crab in Table 18 were determined
from data resulting from collections in 1969, 1972, and 1974 (22, 26,


Concentrations in food products for periods after June 1975 are

calculated assuming that the only loss of radionuclides from the
environment is the result of physical decay of each radionuclide.


conservative approach was adopted because we lack any definitive in-

formation which would indicate that environmental processes might result
in more rapid effective removal of radionuclides from the environment.
As a result, any environmental process which might cause the removal


Select target paragraph3