
Bikini were used for the dose assessment.

Because of the relatively

uniform concentration of radionuclides observed on Eneu only one set

of intake values was developed based upon the island average soil
The integral 10, 30, 50 and 70 year doses to the whole body, bone
‘marrow and liver for each radionuclide via the terrestrial foodchain are
listed in Table 23 for Eneu Island and Table 24 for Bikini Island.
altered diets are listed in Table 25 and 26.


Table 25 represents the

Bikini diet minus the Pandanus fruit and breadfruit and Table 26 reflects
the doses for the case where the diet is from Eneu with the exception of
coconut from Bikini.

The Bikini data represent the average of areas 1,

2, 3 and 4 as previously described.
Focusing on the 30 year integral dose for the total diets from each

island (Tables 23 and 24), it is clear that }3’Cs accounts for nearly all
of the whole body exposure.

+3’Cs accounts for approximately 60% of the

bone marrow dose while ?°Sr accounts for the remaining -40%.

®°Co and

7395249DY are insignificant contributors via the terrestrial food chain
relative to Og and eon.

For comparative purposes the 30 year integral

dose via the terrestrial foodchain on Bikini Island is 23 rem for whole
body and 37 rem for bone marrow while on Eneu Island the respective doses
are 2.0 rem and 3.3 rem.
similar difference.

The 50 year integral doses of course show a

It is clear that the Eneu Island living pattern is

much preferred to that of Bikini Island for reducing potential dose to

returning populations.
The impact of removing from the diet Pandanus fruit and breadfruit

PB 500350:

Select target paragraph3