
same time period on Bikini Island and the first few fruits from these
trees have appeared over the past year and a half.

The number of these

trees is, however, not great and they are not distributed over the entire

No breadfruit or pandanus fruit have been planted on Eneu.


and papaya trees were also being planted at two locations on Bikini Island

‘and have produced fruit over the past two years.
As a result of the sparcity of available food crops, our goals in
the limited survey were to sample the vegetation of all species of food
crops available as well as indicator plants such as Scaevola and
Messerschmidia; to sample edible fruit where available; and to take soil
profile samples through the root zones of the sampled trees.

From these

data, we have developed concentration factors relating concentration in
food products to soil concentration, as well as concentration ratios which
relate the concentration in the vegetation (leaf) to the concentration
in the edible fruit or the concentration in indicator species (Scaevola

and Messerschmidia) to concentrations in food crops (5).
A separate report (5) discusses in detail the results of the sampling

program and the development of the concentration factor and concentration

In brief, we found the distribution of radionuclides in both the

Bikini and Enewetak environments to be very inhomogenous.


concentrations in soil were observed to vary greatly over distances of
only a few feet.

The results of our work during this survey verified

our thesis that due to the wide variability in soil concentration with
location, useful concentration factors can only be calculated from





vegetation and soil data sampled from exactly the same site.


Select target paragraph3