
part of the marine foodchain comes from previously published reports
(22, 26).

These data are summarized in Table 14. The final concentration

data used for dose assessment, and listed in Table 15, were derived
assuming that 6 times more bird muscle is consumed than liver, and that
the wet-to-dry ratio is 0.33 for muscle and liver and 0.25 for eggs.
Due to the non-existence of Pu concentration data in birds and bird eggs
on Bikini, and the similarity of Bikini and Enewetak bird muscle and

liver data, the Pu concentration values listed in Table 15 are those from
the Enewetak Radiological Survey (27).
The 10, 30, 50 and 70 year integral doses resulting from ingestion

of marine foods are given in Table 16.

°°Sr contributes the largest

fraction of the bone marrow dose (70-80%); '*7Cs contributes approximately
20% while ®°Co and 73°>7*°Pu contribute about 6% of the total.

The whole

body dose from the marine pathway in 50 mrem for the integrated 30 year
dose and 66 mrem for the 50 year integrated dose.

The bone marrow doses

are 200 mrem and 290 mrem for the 30 year and 50 year integral doses
other pathways.

These integral doses are small relative to those from
Although the marine pathway contributes a significant

2 cactal altethebeats Sat art

fraction of the total 239,,240by intake relative to other pathways, the

resulting dose compared to °°Sr and '?’Cs is very small.

Terrestrial Foodchain
The availability of locally grown terrestrial food products was

still minimal in June of 1975.

Thousands of coconut trees were planted

in latter half of 1969 on Bikini and Eneu but only a few were bearing
fruit in 1975.

Pandanus fruit and breadfruit were planted during the


Select target paragraph3