Bikini Air Sampling and Resuspension Measurement Program
Due to limited support facilities, manpower, and time, and due to
other program demands: for air sampling equipment as a result of the delays
in fielding the Bikini survey, no attempt was made to establish an air
sampling program during this survey.

Sampling Processing
Upon completion of the field survey in June, nearly 1000 samples
including soil, vegetation, animals and water were returned to LLL for

processing and analysis.

Due to funding problems the processing of the

samples was not begun until late September; processing was completed by
early November of 1975.
detail in reference 3.

Sample processing procedures are discussed jn
The time required to analyze this many samples

was considerable and had to be incorporated into a priority framework
involving other programs.

In addition, funding problems prevented analysis

of all samples so time was required to establish priorites for which samples
should be sent for analysis.

As data became available, and as we started

our assessment activities, additional samples were identified which were
of particular importance for assessment purposes.

When limited additional

funding became available in ‘the summer of 1976 second priorities samples
were sent for analysis and were then incorporated into our assessment

Our data bank for the selected samples sent for analysis was

finally complete in October of 1976.

The results of this survey are presented in a series of reports each

dealing with a specific area of interest.

CP 500955)

It is hoped this will result in

Select target paragraph3