


A data base for assessment of terrestrial foodchain transfer
of radioactivity from the soil to man for long-term dose
evaluation upon rehabilitation of the atoll.

Methods and Measurements
The sampling program consisted of integrated sample series of food

_ species and soil profile samples obtained on an adhoc, species available


All food species presently growing and fruiting on Bikini were

A broader sampting program based upon widely available natural

species, Messerschmidia and Scaevola, were also carried out to determine

the intra-island variations in vegetation radioactivity.

Soil profiles

were obtained from the root zone of each sampled tree to determine the
concentration of radioactivity in the root/soil environment.

Both leaves

and fruit were sampled so that leaf-to-fruit concentration ratios could be

Nonfood species were sampled in the vicinity of the food species

to provide information on species variation in radionuclide uptake, and to
evaluate the use of nonfood Species concentrations in predictive assessment

of human intake when no food products are available for analysis.


approach was developed in the Enewetak survey due to paucity of food species

on the atoll.

The soil samp Ting results and the concentration factors and

correlation factors developed from the plant/soil data have been published
as a separate report (5).
This program along with the ground water program supplies the data

base for assessing the long-term dose commitment via foodchains upon
rehabitation of the atoll.


Select target paragraph3