publications which are easy to use as reference documents.





The reports

covering the 1975 Bikini Survey are:

External Dose Estimates for Future Bikini Atoll Inhabitants,
P.H. Gudiksen, T.R. Crites and W.L. Robison, UCRL~51879 Rev. 1


Analytical Program:

1975 Bikini Radiological Survey, Mark E. Mount,

William L. Robison, Stanley E. Thompson, Keith 0. Hamby,
Austin L. Prindle and Harris 8. Levy, UCRL-51879 Part 2 (1976).


Evaluation of the Radionuclide Concentrations in Soil and Plants
from the 1975 Terrestrial Survey of Bikini and Eneu Islands,
C.S. Colsher, Wel. Robison, P.H. Gudiksen, UCRL-51879 Part 3

4. Evaluation of Radiological Quality of the Water on Bikini and

Eneu Islands in 1975:

Dose Assessment Based on Initial

Sampling, V.E. Noshkin, W.L. Robison, K.M. Wong, and R.J. Eagle,

UCRL-51879 Part 4 (1977).

Dose Assessment of Bikini Atoll, W.L. Robison, W.A. Phillips,

and C.S. Colsher, UCRL-51879 Part 5 (1977).

Living Patterns and Diet
Bikini and Eneu Islands were the two major islands at Bikini Atoll used

. for residence prior to the evacuation of the Bikini people in 1947.


living patterns adopted for assessment in this report reflect this history
and the continuing desire of the people to use these two islands for
‘residence after their return.

Since subsistence agriculture will of course

occur on the residence islands our assessments. reflect both external and



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