national laboratories,

so they were supporting Oak Ridge,

Argon and then in sort of in the same category but on

a very much smaller scale,
laboratory here,

they decided that Stone should have a

and he decided that what would interest him was

to have as high an energy machine as could be obtained under
reasonable planning.

They decided that he would,

the General

Electric Company at that time had built one synchrotron and they
were going to build a second one and he was going to get that
machine to use for therapy.

So a laboratory building was

constructed behind UCSF the main buildings there.

Have you seen





In which this machine would be put, and in which there

would be laboratory space,

not expensive but some for animal work.

So the building was built and,
think it was around 1950.

I forget when we moved in there,

Let's see I was there probably around

1950 or 1951 when the laboratory was completed,
machine in.

The machine,

a very large unit.

of course,

had to be installed.

ready to work,

but first of all

and I assented and I went

I was ready to work before the machine was

as it were.

get that machine going.
of Bob Kallman,

It was

So Stone asked me if I would

be the Head of Radiation Biology there,
Of course,

and they got the

Then it had to be calibrated,

it had to be made to work reliably.

to work.


It took a number of years for them to

I had a small group of people consisting

who has just retired at Stanford,

where he became

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