page 9.

a decision had been made to have a number of national laboratories.


et |

A.E.C. was supporting Oak Rmdm, Brookhaven, Argonne, and then @n a very
much smaller scale, they decided that Dr. Stone should have a high-energy

Whahansmuamee:TAY San Francisco.

Dr. Stone 4&fidne chose the highest energy

gAachine possible with reasonable planning; the General

Electric Co had


built aw70 MeV synchrotron, and they would build him a second onemgm PUBLARTHTERRI ,

So a special building was constructed to house
the machine behind the main UCSF buildings; it would contain some
laboratory space.



Have you seen it?


The Laboratory was completed around 1950-1951.

The synchrotron was

a very large machine; it hadfo be installed, mad to work reliably, and
calibrated. %&@ Dr. Stone asked me if I would head the little
radiation bioJogy unit, and I accepted.

befpre the machine was treating patients.

Of course, I was working some years

I had a small group of associates

consisting of Bob Kallman, who has just retired at Stanford, where he became

Select target paragraph3