So the effect was proportional to the body massirradiated. Well, it was
surprising to me; the effect had not been reported before.


Now wasthis X radiation?


Yes. It was the clinic...Another surprising thing. During the

course of treatment the count fell, and then it would take five to six months

for recovery to take place. But recovery did take place.


Because I think during that period of time was also when a

numberof people on ourside of the bay were doing blood countstudies, but I
think they were using, they were doing blood count studies after injections of
either phosphorus or iron. I think a lot of it was iron. So I was
wondering...[tape ended; end of tape 1, side 2]


What next:


Next. Were the patients that you were taking the blood from

were they, was this considered part of their therapy to withdrawthe blood, or
wasthat just by the side? You were doing an experimenton the side of
whatever ?


You can considerthis part of their treatment. In other words,I

had not introduced any hazard to these patients by taking a small amountof
blood and determining how well their white cell count was doing. It was a
little more information actually for the therapist who wastreating them.


Select target paragraph3