of Radiation Therapy at UC San Francisco. I worked there for several years on
detached duty before I resigned from the Service; Dr. Stone had offered mea
job in the Radiological Laboratory which I accepted. At that time they had
just finished the Radiological Laboratory building which was to house the
synchrotron, a 70 MeV machine. I was to determine the radiobiological
effectiveness (RBE) of its x-ray beam. That's aboutall I can say aboutthat. I
hope your other interviewees talk more than I do.


Some do, some don't. Can you describe, did you only work on

the on the RBE?


No, I had an X-ray machine at mydisposal, and I, therefore, did a

variety of experiments with the X-ray beam on rats, but especially on mice.


What was the advantage of mice overrats?


They're smaller. You could have more of them in the



And what happenedafter you were there for a couple of years

and then left?


Well I wasthere from,let's see, I went to Oak Ridge in 1947.

That's all on that C.V. there, and then I stayed at the Radiological Laboratory
in San Francisco from 1949 to about 1962 or 1963. Well we did a variety of
experiments, and I did some work on patients.

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