.OURNAL -- 16th DAY

"I hope that we will be able to carry out the project which we
could not do this tine in Micronesia again.
I have learned quite a
lot through this e»perience that there were many difficult circumstances and conditions which made our work unc. y.
And I also have
learned a great deal how to proceed effective formalities and the way
of technique.
we would !ike to make use of this experience so that
we will be able to carry out a successful plan next time, and we would

_, dike to send more excellent team on that occasion.

“I hope you will choose right person for participating in the
commemoration ceremony ‘March 1' of GENSUIKIN as quickly as possible,
and we'd be extremely happy t€ you wanld be able to participate in it

by yourself as far as the circumstan-cs of the Diet permit.

“We would like to expreas our hearty application for the numerous
kindness you:hac shown us in Majuro.
I assure you that our friendship
between you and the GENSUIKIN would be strengthened by our meting and
will grow up to be stronger without ceasing, and I hope so.
“We are looking forward to your response soon."



Sincerely. yours,

/e8/ Suro Ikeyana

Juro Ikcyama


(by Miss Kimi Honda, 4.9.)

“Patients as written below must need to be given the following
medical treatment urgently.

J: (ML)


(Male, 38 years old)

‘Hie grytosuria is high, and need to be given following medical
treatment as soon as possible, for if it is too late, it will
cause to bring about various deseascs (sic).
In the worst case,
*: dt is fear that he may lose his sight by eye-bleeding of high.
- blood pressure.



(Female, 48 years old)
(Female, 52 years old)
Need to take care of them throughly (sic),
for they are patients
of high blood pressure.
Contact with doccor and have close rmedicai
- examination, and consult with him to take some preventive measures
against the high bloeod pressure.
Hope them not too mich overwork,

for which is not good for their health.


\ (Female, 57. years old)
I don't understand what is swellings in the abdomen.


In the



worst casc, I dare say, after the operation cancer has transfercad

(sic) to another part of her body, llope her to take a closa
medical cxamination and must be ujjdergone an operation again if
it is necessary.

(Female, 25 yeary ola)
I don"t think that she is a case of a by, the AEC ‘data
I'd rother (etc) worry about a lot of sr and 437¢s3 which are

Select target paragraph3