






victims, we have been realized anew tho fear of l!-bomb test in 1954.
It is really regre'table that sufferings from the blazt have been

influenced still mow, and we fear that which will caus- to bring

about another suffcring as cancer in near future.
an inherited imrediment caused by the radioactive

Whit is more, if
fallout would

spring up
among their descendants, thelr misfortune would be U.vubled!
ov} opnicve are many children who are born cripple and leukemia among

the second generation of'a-bomb sufferers in liiroshima and Nagasaki.

'.. If..the nuclear blast bring about such a many misfortune artifi-‘lally,

’ Iscan but say that it is profanity against God and humin beincs,


“f am sorry that I cannot write you all cur repo.t concerning
the survey team, tor we are putting in order all the collected materiala

We will surely send you the final report when it will be com-


For the zinc being, hcewever, I would like to write you


my impression in Majuro, and also would like to give you some suggestion
to those sufferers who need: to take urgent meoical treatment.



3 wonder why the AEC investigation team does not tell the .

. condition of a aeseasa

(sic} exactly to~a sufferer.

If there is

something unusual with him, I think the AEC doctor have to tell
him it and take charge of his health.

" °2) fT ‘hope vou to atation a doctor at Rungelap and Utilik (sic)
in order to taking charge of sufferers, If it is imposs sie ft
hope that a medical specialist will be stationed at Majl.o und
Jet him cbserve the condition of health of sufferers and give ©
them daily advice,
“3) ‘Taking consideration of the above, I dare say-that the
- object of the AEC Investigation team does not put its focus
on curing the sufferers but only collecting the data for their
“4) %I think it is not a way of understanding patients quite well
‘that the AEC only achieves its duty by destributing (sic) one
year's portion of medicine.

In Japan, we don't take such a

reckless way of dosing, for we can not see how a patient will change

in the course of a year beforehand.

him without
this method
an interest

I think that there is a

that a patient keeps taking medicine having been given
awaring (sic) of changing fur the worse. I suppose
of medication is due to that of the U.S. which takes
in the medical science only and consider a patient

merely as a material of experiment.



A-bomb sufferers are given medical treatment as follows in -

Japan., As they are apt to lose their fine health much casiiy
comparing with the ordinal (sic} peoples, they had bettur be
observed more carefullly and have time to talk with them so often

that they are given sufficient medical treatment.
I dare say,
however, that Majurc, Rongelap, and Utilik (sic) are surrounded by
too many untortunate and miserable conuttions to supply
write you on the above.

that If

“6) One of my conclusion from this survey is that all actions
for medicine have to be done from the standpoint that H-berb-

sufferers in Micronesia are also respactable human beings and

hava to l¢ given medical treatcant as c patient.


Select target paragraph3