HOUSE JOURNAL -- 16th pay

stored in her body. Comparing with the inhabitants of Kili
Island, “Sr is counted & times to 20 times as much hich

Cs is 10 times an much as high in her’body.
And the
quantity of these elements in body had ingyeas:d from 1967

to 1969, of which I am very worried.


“Sr 15 stored mostly

dn bone, it is thinkable that it is some related cause to
l37es is accumulated in muscle.
Anyway both
el@ments contain strony radioactivity, so they can surely effect
to human beings.
I am afraid if she is discouraged too much
when she is told the fact.
Dear Mr. Ataji Balos, I haope you
encourage her not to be distressed spiritually.
I recommend
her to live on Majuro but not on Rongelap, because she had

better not to eat anymore the food containing radioactivity.

*I hope all of them will recover their fine health as quickly

as possible.

‘I am extremely sorry that I could not stay in your place

and give them medical treatment."



H.J.R. No. 70

Introduced by:

Rep. Mangefel

Requesting the Joint Ccmmittee on Program and

Budget Planning to insure that the deck facilities
*. under the Capital Improvements Program and the Five


"Year Plan Include provision for new dockii.g facilitice at Colonia, Yap, and ta declare the jresent
port facilities at Colonia, Yap, a “disaster area."

R.ILR. No. 71

Introduced by:

Rep. Atdlig

Nominating the Honorable John 0. Ngiraked, Land
+ Management Officer of the Palau District, for
consideration for appointmeat to the Micronesian
Claims Commission.

Representative Mangefel:

Mr. Speaker, I would like the House to

recognize the presence of seme. distinguished visaters from the Yap.
Diatrict -- Chief Robeman, Chief Kenmed, Chief Lukan, and Secretary
to the Council, Mr. Jesus Mangarfir.

Representative Atalig: Mr. Speaker, may I ask the House to recognize

the prescnce cf Mr. Dick Goddeon, special representative of EPA from

San Francisco.




Representative Guerrero: . Mr. Speaker, I would like to take the
Opportunity to express my sympathy to Congressma. Balos and the people
of Ronsclap and Utirik.
Io am very much concerned that the Adminis-

tration would turn cown such a request for guarding their health.


action by the High Commissioner ant the Administration is no less than
dictatorial, communistic, and fascist and I would Fike personally to offer
my piedes to suppert the people affected and to work toward their cause.
Thank you very much, Mr, Speaker.
Chicf Clerk:
Mr. Speaker, the membors and ctaff of the House of
Representatives have an invitation from PAil R. Yates of Air Micronesia

which reads a3 follows:


Select target paragraph3