The Staff Supply Officcr. aecoripanica the Deputy Commander of the
Test, Services Unit on an inspecticn of the Cormunications Eloriont Supply.
The inspection was in tho form: of a progress check on itcns written up
on tho inspection ccn*uctc 3 February.

A remular inspection was sche1-

uled for 25 March, by representatives of this Heodquarters,
Certain of the itcis, requirec for the B-36 effects aircraft, were
not stock listed and roquired cdditioncl cata to identify by the dcpot.
This information was sulxitted on § torch, by referriny to the appropriate

Technical Order, trawing number, page number ond iten number.’ |
Upon cor:pletion cf Operation GREENEOUSE cnd IVY, o considerable
cnount of communications cquiprient remained in the Pacific rrovins

This cquipucnt suffered corrosion due to climatic conditions ard

Aapege fron installation and hendlins,

In actition, certain of these

iteiis wore no longer required in support of futuro cormunications schomcs.
In an effort to return to eppropriate supply chenncls those cormunic:ticns
itens no longer require, « joint cormittce ccitposed of ACS represontatives

om Heatquarters, Task Group 7.4 representctives, was proposed,

In fvirther-

once of this progran, a representative from tho 1810th AACS Groug. Hickon
AFD, visited this Headquarters on 8 Merch.

He clvised us that o rop.csont.-

tive of the 1210th ACS Group would arrive on or abcut 1 april to work with
Task Group 7.4 personnel and cthor -u.CS personnel at Enivetck in dorm.
indispcsition cf cxcess cormunicetions itars,


wait fr liaj


and nant fr


“td 5 Merch,

StaffVisit, Teo 3 Fouracsy,


Unit Supply inspection,

TX fr TG 7.4 to divi, cite THiS 3-45, DTG 0503502, (USL).


In ortor tint thosr

Select target paragraph3