stated thet rengo of yield for KOON shot wos iE

2 md that positioning
asad onia
of all arcraft wuld bo based
Basod on


yield for KOOM, tho H.iRDTIMZ B-50 IBD. air-

creft were noved vaithin 12, 20 and 27 nautical miles and tha


=n ttoras used for ROMEO.
4fter a short discussion of contrel problems, surrounding the
PEWTER oircraft, it was tentatively decided to position two C-54 typo
dircraft at 75 miles from Ground Zerp at 210 degrees and 330 degrees,

and the third C-54 to be

50 miles from Ground Zero at 90 degroes, Since

the two drereft at 75 miles wore borderlino control positions,


was agreed to cheek the possibiliticos of controlling with HF by actual
flight on the morning of 31 March,

This check proved that VHF posi-

tioning could be uscd satisfactorily.
Further discussion included tho effects aircraft.

wore available at that time.

No firm figures

However, it appeared advisable to chong?

the inbound hoading of tho B-~47 from 90 dezrees to 70 Jogrees for noe

dependable use of the Raydist.
On Zi March, tho tost run of the C-54 was hold in conjunction
with the USS ESTES with affirmative results.

Based on this. Task Guz)

7.1 was mtificd and tho following firm positions pxpaccl for the
Ororntions Order:

FewrEr ONE ~ 75 miles from Ground Zero at an altitvce of 44 000 uote

Select target paragraph3