
Zero at 14,000 foot altitucc.

PEWTER TWO would bo at 250 degroos and

110 milos from Ground Zoro at 12,000 foot altiiudo.

This was a tonta-

tive conclusion which was chang2i lator whon HF control from BOUNDIRY
Tie was found to bo satisfactory.


Timo hecks would como from BOUND.RY T..t% to DIRTY F.CE by Roflector

relay aircraft over Reflector rolay circuit or JIG 407.

The .0C Con-

troller would thon give timc hacks to tho atrerrft commander.
To provide continuity botween tho airereft commandor md controller,
the PEWTER ONE controller from BOUND.Y TARE would be brought to the s0C

for control of PEWTER ONE and TW.


Control of PicWIER ONE and TWO would bo oxercised on 4blo Chmnol

from tho sccond PPI scope in tho 40C«

This channol wuld be riado

available by using transmittor and roceiver equiment now reservod
for special Naval aircraft control which, to date, had not beon uscd.
To provide doeunontery ehotoguaphy, PEWIER THRES could bo ,ositioned

ag close aa blast, Just and thermal would allow.

It was rocomnonded

thet this position bo at 270 dogrees and approximately 40 niles.

To accomplish the above, it was necessary for tho Commanders of
Task Group 7.1 and 7.4 to apvrove the recommendations containod hercin
to inclute sccific aesition for PEWTER THREE.

On 30 March, C

attended the final positioning meeting at Task Grouy 7.1.

The follewing

decisions and tentative o.lm< wero reached at that tine:


Select target paragraph3