would have been exponded to accanlish this repectr.

Boccuse of tho grexter than expected yicld and an adverse wind
condition, e« large smount of pcrsisicnt fall-out was oxperionced at

verious atolls cast of shot point.

4 largo

smount of fall-ous


in the Bildni aree, which rosultcl in a rovision of tho shot schcdule,
both as to timo and location.

Since no ono was ablo to work in tho

area, tho noxt shot was postponed for two days and schoduled for the
BRAVO crater

The flyaway airer-ft scheduled for use in rcoturning 20MEO radioactive s>mpl:s to tha Zone of Intorior arrived on schedule in accor-=
dance with the MiTS
ation - 13 March.

dircctive as adjusted for tho new dato of dcton-_


“inco the shot was postzoned many times, the threa



C-97 sirercft rom-ined on the ground for approxim-toly two wockys, This
had tho normal adverse cffocts on maintenenco, and flyawey 22 landed

at Johnston Islend with ono engine giving trouble.

FPlyaway's 21 and 22

departed Eniwotok Island -t 1640 and 1550 on ROMEO Day,

thay departed

late because the cloul maintained its ehape longer than expected, ne-

cessitating late FB-36 sampling.

Because of very light fall~out in the

Bikini area, sample recovery was performel early, thereby cllowing
flyawny 23 to Jepart Eniwetok at 0825 on ROMEO plus one day,

cirernft returned Project 7.4 samples only.


Flyaway 24 departed Sniwotck

at 1910on B/3 ond carrie] the remaining samples back “o ths Zona of tho
The operator on the B-47 effects eircraft experienced poo: s2n-


sitivity during orbit -nd runs, althcugh the ecuipment proluced good


Select target paragraph3