
Slight distortions in light gaugo skin of lowor aft fusclage;
Conbinod blast and gust londs Jcflceted forward and aft of bamb
bay doors into bomb bay between hinge point and buckled door
structure approximately four fect from front of each sot;
Some distortion of bottom of bulkhead number 5;
Sone torn rivots at right horizontal stabilizor tip;

Comprossion wrinkle pattcrn middle section of vertical stabilizcr at leading cdgec;
Slight thermal damzge in the form of thinor pelnt blistoring on
olevators; clevator trin tabs; lowor rounded portion of wing
trailing clgo botwoon center and inboard onginc, and inboord

engine and fusolngo;


Slight thermal damage on aft scction of main goar wheel doors;
Slight warping of aluminum laccuored drog strut wing fairing
and laccucr blisterod and scorched;

(15) Curtain on optics in periscope charred;
(16) Black coating on ADF antonnn fairing blister2d;
(17) Roar right upper and lower blisters cracked and rubber scorchod;
(18) .Juminun lacquered prop spinnors scorchod;

(19) duminum lacaucred 24 ST .016 web of horizontal stebiliger
trailing ocdgo fairing scorchod and buckled where expcescd: some
“popped and loose rivets in spenwise rivet Littos on to) seeftrcs

of horizontal strbilizcr lecding and trailing odgoa fairings,
The repai: of the damage on the 3-35 was complotedc prior +7 ROMEO,
Under normel maintenance conditions it was cstimeted th-t 750 man-hours


Select target paragraph3