eur .

The control DDE was called u-on, at intervals during BRAVO Shot, to act
as relay between DOU:DARY TARE and the AOC on Circuit J-407,


operation was accomplished with success.
The Air Operations Center initiated and assisted in three SAR
intercept missions on 23 ifarch,

The first intercent was accomplished

at 1041 on 6 BABYFOOD, a P2V; the second intercept was accommlished
at 12511 on WILSON 8, a WB-29; and the third intercent was accomlished

at 1645i{ on WILSON, a WB-29. All three aircraft were e::corted back to
Eniwetok for safe landings. STABLE 3, an SA-16, was utilized for all
three missions and control was very satisfactory,

The time from

scramble to air‘0rne for STABLE 3 averaged less than six ninvutcs.
This efficiency was directly contributable to intcgration of SAR, and

approach and area control, into the AOC team.
An airlift conference was conductcd aboard the USS ZSTES on 18 larch,
Joint Task Force SEVEN, Task Groups 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 persomiel
attending wero:

The pursose of this meeting was to discuss problems associa*cd with sT a

SEVEN airlift operavions,
New allocations of responsibilities were agreed w.on with Head~
quarters, JIF SEVEN, the over-all su -crvisory agency establishing necessary



Task Group 7.3 was charged with water transvortation,



Select target paragraph3