to alloperating positicns and the AOC was fully manned one hour prior

to take-off of the first aircraft, which was H-6 hours.

Only minor

discrepancies existed which affected the operations of the AOC,


such incident was the arrival at Eniwetok of three VIKING aircraft.
Their IFF was not air or ground checked prior to BRAVO Shot.


AOG dispatched these aircraft on the same heading climb-out with five
Minutes separation anticinating of using IRF for separation,

three aircraft IFF's were inoverative.,


Two of the

the radio telephone pro~

cedure of noint-to-coint radio operators was not wo to exnectcd standards.

This caused many repeats wien comiunicati-ns reception vas weak resulting
in the slow flow of important traffic.

An on-the-job training program

was reenphasized to correct this deficiency.



The Control DDE (DOLLIIOUSE) departed Eniwetok Lagorn at 1300 nourgy
26 February, for an assigned steticn 100 nautical miles east of the aoc,
and arrived on station at 2130 hours,

Constant watch was maintained on

J~407 (an HF curcuit) from time of departure from Enivetok,
on station, a constant listening watch

Upon arriving

was put on J-408 and the DOTLHCUSS

homer on 232 kes was turned on at 0130 hours on 1 Narch.
DOLLHCUSE received orders to move from its present rosition at

0530 on 1 March to a point 75 nautical niles west of point "Baker-!
At BeHour, DOLIHOUSE was 72 nautical wiles and 265° frou ground zcro.

Select target paragraph3