Routine coprdination was accomplished between Task Croup 7.4
and the Test support Unit concerning construction, rehabilitation,
cleanup, and repair projects having to do with Air Base facilities.

Freliminary plans for roll-up activities, which will be required of
the Test Support Unit sections, were formulated,
On 11 March 1954 a meeting with the Task Group 7.4 Staff Supply
Officer and all unit and element supply officers was held for the pur
pose of publicizing the general plan and requirements to be followed.

throughout the roll-up period.

Supply officers were advised to as-



sure that equipment issued to them from Test Support Unit sources



was maintained in condition for immediate turn-in, so far as possible,
The Army Supply Officer outlined procedures and requirements for turnin of Army property during roll-up.
Aid and direction was given to supply personnel from Detachment
1 at Bikini in preparing for close-out of the account at that location.

After inactivation of Detachment 1, the property was retumed

in a haphazard and disorganized manner because of conditions resulting from the first test shot at Bikini Atoll.

Action to complete

close-eut of that plant account is continuing.


Select target paragraph3