
Corum, Sr. Accounting Clerk, A/1C Cha rles W. Pratt, Sr. Clerk.

s/Sgt Frank J, Jacobs, Sr. Clerk, was released fram the Adjutant
Section in order to provide experienced and qualified clerical and
typing skill for the new section.

Another factor on S/Sgt Jacobs!

release ws that he had retainability overseas until 7 Sep 54 and
could be released from the Adjutant section without replacement.

To facilitate the organization of the new Monetary Inventory
and Accounting Section and system, Major Harold R, Meadows, Comptroller of Task Group 7.4, made evailable the services of T/Sgt

William E. White, from his office, on a pert time basis.
Due to the major change in the Comptroller functions it wes
determined that Captain Daniel F. Gainey, presently Adjutant of the

4930th Test Support Group, wuld assume the remzining duties of
Comptroller within the Group Headquarters,

These cmsisted of

Statistical Services, Graphic Illustration and Accounting and
Control of Temporsry Duty and Communications Appropriated Funds.


Select target paragraph3