


Extensive planning md resoluto preparations wore acemplished wi thin

the Oporations Directorate prior to tho first shot of Oporation CASTLE.
Tho first shot was assignod the code namo BRAVO and its detonation ws
anxiously anticipated by oll Oporations porsonnol.

Tho genoral fooling

within tho Directorate wis that much tmsion on the prt cf overyono wuld
bo relieved upon the successful oxecution of tho BRiVO ovent.

A roturn

to relativo normalcy did follow the highiy sucecssful nission, and after
the detonation on 1 March everyono returned to the task of preparing ~


for the sccond shot - ROMEO.


A wido varioty of operational problems had to be conquered in casrye
ing out the mission of Task Group 7.4 for this first shot.

Tho two re-

hearsals had como and gone -nd the analysis of thoir weakmosses contributed

groatly toward a solution of probloms which woro found to oxist.
typicel problem was tho operations order for Biu.VO shot.


Tase Group 7.4

Operations Order 1-54 wes published to govern tho oxccutich of bcth r--hearsals, but tho order for Bit.VO had to bo conplotcly new,


differences between a rohcarsal ond an actual nission necessitated the
requirencnt for the now operntions order.

Certain inforrinticn could not

be obtained until B minus four, requiring the entire Directorate to work
into the weo

hours of B minus throe in order to publish this dircctive,.

The order, consisting of 11O pages, was distributed on B minus three in
130 copics, as Operations Order 2-54,

«although a now cpcrations ordor


Select target paragraph3