for the printing.

<A suscensc of 10 Acril was establisncd for submission

of the requcst in order that the format and content of the rena@t night
be dctermined.
subsistcnce Aboard Naval Vessels:

A letter was transitted to the units of Task Groun 7.4 requesting
that all of their person cl performing TDY aboard Navy vessels comply

witn the provisions of peragraph 3» of TG 7.3 Instructions 4063.1, dstod
3 February 1954. This provided tint cach off.cer or officer gree civilian
woul’ nay cash for each ncal and that the Shin's General ‘icss woulé take

ration crcdit for al} meals furnished cnlisted person:cl,


personnel of the Mir Force Bikini Doteachment were subsisted at thc Holmes
ana Narver licss and H @& N then collected from them for the meals furnished
aboard snips.

The TG 7.5 camp at Bikini had been deactivated and the:Rr *

Foree person::cl wore now stationed at Eniwctok and subsistcd by Task Group

Administrative Insnection:

A check list of comptroller activities was prevarcd for tuc adminis
trative insscction of the Test Supnort Umit which was to be held on 6 April.
Perperction of Charts:
The Graphics Division scent many man-hours during iareh orep-ring
bricfing charts for the Com andcr and the Birector of Overntions,
ticalcharts were completed and pleccd in the Conference Room,


A sug ested

cover for tne Final Report was prevared in four colors and apyroved.
ihmerous other minor and routine jobs wore handled during the period,


Select target paragraph3